The ferry was quick and berthed at 3:30am. Yawn, what a horrible hour to arrive in a new place, and didn't want to have a moose encounter, so me and a couple of the other bikers headed to Tim Hortons... along with a hundred other people. I gave up waiting for coffee, all lined up for 45 minutes and still another 30 to go, and just sat down and chilled out and said 'whelp, nothing else to do'.

I was so far north, though, and it's early July, so it got bright out around 5:30 and then it was time to ride. The two hours to Corner Brook were kinda dull and empty, just big empty valleys with forest. No moose... and I stopped in at McDonalds for coffee and two Egg McMuffins. From Corner Brook it was a scenic ride through a gorge, a left at Deer Lake, and a pretty good and scenic ride into Norris Point where I met Gary at the house, and we all headed down to the Old Store for a bite of lunch.

Afternoon was napping and a bit of unpacking, and some planning as to later Quebec options, and more importantly devouring the many guidebooks on Gros Morne National Park, where Sheldon works on the Visitor Experience team (such a corporate naming--I guess 'Ranger' doesn't cut it anymore.) After a great dinner of local fish, it was still light out, so Sheldon took me out on a hike, then down to the beach, and to a lighthouse at the bay entrance. Great scenery.

Tomorrow Sheldon has to do something up on Gros Morne for work (replace a trail camera that counts hikers) so we'll be heading up there early. Weather looks great until maybe 2pm then gets iffier. No problem getting up early... I did wake up at 2:30am today after all!