Day 12: Christiansburg to Wytheville VA
Fri 22 Jun 2024
Miles ridden today: 39 (from home: 3132)

Whelp, today was going to be a tour of a few select tourist spots: Appomattox and Poplar Grove, one of those days where I look at the map and the weather and say "what's nearby that might be somewhat interesting?" Appomattox is where the US Civil War ended--down from the mountains on the lowlands--and Poplar Grove is another sightseeing option over near Lynchburg, a secondary Jefferson retreat when his main retreat at Monticello got too busy.

But looking at the weather, the forecast was 101F at Appomattox, which is hot even if it's a dry heat, and looking more closely at Poplar Grove it's been derelict for decades, owned by a private entity, and is now under reconstruction... and it's not exactly in a bucolic location, wedged between a golf course and a suburban subdivision, with an admission fee of $23. That didn't sound like it was good value for what would likely be a 30 minute look-see.

Then a long time chat buddy a few miles away said "it's gonna be stupid hot degrees down in Appomattox. Come over to the farm and sit in the creek" and that sounded a lot more appealing than re-enacting some sweaty and dusty 6th grade field trip.

So I sat in the creek with the crawdads and polliwogs and drank lots and lots of water and I napped between dunkings in the creek. Went out and had a really good meal at the Log Cabin in Wytheville, then a stop at the Seven Sisters Brewery. The weather was dry and clear and maybe 85 with bright blue skies. It felt like... Santa Rosa or something.

Great and unexpected day.