Day 2 Winslow to Santa Fe
Tue 11 Jun 2024
Miles ridden today: 328

Easy ride east with a coffee stop in Gallup before hitting ABQ.

But by the time we stopped at Panera for lunch, there were big black clouds to the north, and we replanned our route, which was looking really dodgy on the route we had planned into Los Alamos. Decided to avoid those storms up along Hwy 4 and Valle Caldera and just scoot to the hotel for a hot tub.

But first, visits to both the BMW and Harley dealers to look for summer gloves. The BMW had the cute CE02 electric motorcycle on display, and I chatted with a buddy over coffee at the Harley dealership on the roads from Santa Fe over the Sangre de Cristo mountains to Mora and the highway from there to Tucumcari. He said "Oh do that, those state highways are great and so much more interesting than I-40" so we're doing it.

Dinner was going to be something decent across the street from Hotel Santa Fe... but the power went off to a large area of the city, sigh, so we foraged along the road and eventually found a Trader Joes with power and there was our sad meal.