Security (from LJ): usemask
I've come to realize that whenever Chris and I open our mouths, most Aussies mistake us for Canadians. At first, I thought they were just being polite, like the Kiwis, by asking "Are you Canadian?" But then (silly me) I realized they weren't being polite, they were being serious, and when we tell them we're from California, most seem relieved. "Ah, they say, you didn't sound like a Yank!"
I'm wondering what mischief we can get into with this... could we, pretending to be Canadians, ignite an argument over national cricket teams? Or maybe something like "our Prime Minister has better eyebrows than your Prime Minister's"? Or perhaps some AC-DC vs Rush stoush... It does beg the question, though: What are the major cultural conections and disconnections between Canadian and Australian culture? (One I've noted: Australians are about ten times more likely to wear clothing featuring an American flag.)
Fortunately, Chris and I are mostly well behaved, so we're not going to cause some major diplomatic tiff. So, in some weird sense, we're doing our part for Canadian foreign relations!

"The Canadian government has apologized on many occasions for Bryan Adams...."

Alanis and Kylie. The connection between the countries is watching former teeny-bopper pop acts suddenly develop talent and surnames.

Heh heh! I guess I'm showing my age. I did put Kylie and Alanis in there first, but then edited it... because I figured that Kylie is unknown in the US.
Though not anymore, from what I hear...


You can tell them stories about how Alanis was booed off stage while singing the national anthem on stage at Parliament Hill, on Canada Day which is also her birthday. :)
I say, fly with it and see what happens. I'm sure you guys now enough about Canada to bullshit your way. Just remember the PM is Jean Chretien, he's Liberal which generally means slightly left of centre though their fiscal policy these days is right of centre. Canada, in general, according to recent polls, still likes having the monarchy as head of the state. It's on the decline though as most people are neither here nor there about Liz.