Date Tags 2002au

Thursday Island, Torres Strait, Queensland

A very rushed tour around Thursday Island and Horn Island, two of the major islands in the Torres Strait.

It was too rushed. The whole day.

At 7am, we walked out to the beach, where a tender shuttled us to the ferry to take us to Thursday Island, the 'capital' of Torres Strait, which lays about 20 miles off the coast.

In the morning, we had a 90 minute bus tour, stopping at the cemetery and a fort overlooking the town. We were given 35 minutes in the center part of town, where we hurriedly shopped for shirts, looked for The Economist at the newsagents, scribbled postcards, and bought champagne for our visit to The Tip tomorrow.

At 11:30, we took a short 5 minute ferry ride across to Horn Island, had lunch, then a 90 minute tour of various World War II sites on the island. I especially enjoyed the story about the American frog pimp.

At 2:30, we were heading back to Punsand Bay. Along the way we passed Possession Island, where Captain Cook claimed the eastern shores of Australia for England in 1770.

Back at camp, we cleaned up, and enjoyed our fish that the resort brought over!

Weird Wildlife Sighting

Hm. Dunno. A tern?

No--the schools of tuna jumping out of the water as we took the ferry to Thursday Island!