Date Tags 2002au

I am amused. The Muzak that plays in the Melbourne train/subway stations can be anything, it seems from the Priscilla soundtrack--with a smattering of 70's of other disco hits.

"Let us Groove" (?) by Kool and the Gang(?) was this evening's selection at Melbourne Central, along with "Finally" by CeCe-whoever that was. Wednesday at the Parliament station was "I Love the Nightlife".



April 13 2002, 08:53:16

That's so much better than the smooth jazz and pan-flute instrumentals you get in most places around here!

April 13 2002, 10:16:15

Hee! We have heard the album we've informally titled "New Zealand Cafe Music" at least six times now--sometimes in bars/hotels, sometimes in cafes.

The actual album is St Germain, album Tourist--the French call it 'electo-jazz', it's basically sampled jazz with a bit of real playing. Kinda interesting that someone decided to do the whole sampling thing with jazz, IMHO. Even if it is French (gasp!)